Exsurge Domine USA is an affiliate of the parent association, made up of Lay Faithful Catholics who desire to aid His Excellency in preserving the traditional faith and supporting persecuted priests and religious in the United States, as well as world wide. All operations are under the leadership of His Grace, Carlo Maria Viganò.

Exsurge Domine is Latin text meaning ‘Arise O Lord’ .

Yes, Exsurge Domine USA is an approved 501(c)3 organization. All donations are therefore fully tax deductible.

Through the writings and presentations made by Archbishop Viganò, and through the support of cancelled/persecuted religious, Exsurge Domine is doing everything possible at this time to defend Tradition and the Tridentine Rite. This is a very important part of the Exsurge Domine mission.

We are most appreciative of your daily prayers. Remember us when you attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, say your daily rosary and do all you can to increase in sacramental grace and heroic virtue. Please also fast and perform charitable works for Our Lord and Holy Mother Church. You may also help by spreading the word about Exsurge Domine and encouraging others to join the cause. If you have something specific that you would like to offer, such as a service, property or you have something else in mind, you may email info@ExsurgeDomineUSA.org May God Bless you and your holy efforts supporting Exsurge Domine!