I send my blessing to the faithful flock in the Land of the Free and Home of Exsurge Domine USA!

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

I send my blessing to the faithful flock in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. I am united with you in the battle to restore our sacred heritage. My deepest gratitude for your decisive response in order to stand strong for the homeland and Holy Mother Church. May the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the United States come to our help, subdue the Dragon, and give us victory through Exsurge Domine USA!  -Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

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His Excellency, Archbishop Viganò, Defends Holy Mother Church and Truth in the face of apostasy. He valiantly stands firm as St. Athanasius did when he said facing excommunication in the Arian heresy, “They have the churches but we have the Faith!” 

Exsurge Domine - USA

The Association Exsurge Domine is committed to provide assistance, support and material aid for clerics, religious and consecrated persons who are victims of the Bergoglian Regime. It is of highest importance to act, to defend the immutable Tradition of the Catholic Faith, to preserve and promote the Apostolic Mass, and to save Christendom. In this decisive moment, we must choose to counter evil, or be swallowed up by its most pestilent breath. Only those who fight as the Maccabee’s did shall merit victory.


In many nations that are no longer Catholic-such as England, Germany or the Netherlands, for example-you can still see small chapels carved out of attics and cellars, or home altars hidden in invisible closets or niches: they were used for the clandestine celebration of Mass in times of persecution, when it was a crime to be faithful to the Church of Rome and priests had to hide to avoid imprisonment or the death sentence. Without going back to Diocletian, even in the 16th and 17th centuries “papists” were considered a threat, and were barely tolerated as long as they had no churches, convents, seminaries, or schools.

These persecutions are recurring today, in perhaps a less bloody form, and the perpetrators are not Lutherans or the thugs of Olivier Cromwell, but Cardinals, Bishops and Prelates of the Conciliar sect, infiltrated into the Vatican and well determined to wipe out all traces of the “old religion” and the “old Mass” that they have replaced with the religion of ecology, of welcome, of inclusiveness, of the New World Order.

The apostasy we are experiencing is not very different from that of the bishops who swore allegiance to Henry VIII in order not to lose rents and benefits: the difference is that today the act of obedience is required toward Bergoglio, the Second Vatican Council, the Novus Ordo, the “synodal church,” Pachamama.

Those who do not yield, those who remain faithful to the Priesthood or Religious Vows are ostracized, mocked, vilified, persecuted and above all deprived of ministry, a dwelling place and means of livelihood. Without mercy, without charity, without humanity.

Exsurge Domine is the response of those who do not surrender to this betrayal of the modernist Hierarchy: it joins us to our brothers of past ages, to the faithful who gave hospitality to the monk wanted by the soldiers of Elizabeth I, a hot meal to the nun with no convent left in revolutionary France, a hiding place to the Mexican priest pursued by the soldiers of the Masonic government. We can help those persecuted priests, religious men and women who in anonymity, silence, and humble acceptance of trials show us the suffering face of Christ ascending Golgotha.

Let us therefore prove that we know how to accompany the Faith we profess with good works, with prayer, with charity and almsgiving. For these priests, these friars, these nuns can stop the arm of divine Justice and give hope for the future in our children.



Speech by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

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Exsurge Domine

We support and help spiritually and materially those priests and religious who put Catholic Truth before slavish obedience to corrupt and heretical prelates

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

We invoke our Holy Patron to intercede for us: St. Michael the Archangel - Pray for us!

“Exsurge Domine – USA”

Address: PO Box 6165 Omaha, NE 68106

Email: info@exsurgedomineusa.org

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